Thursday 11 September 2014

RSS Viewer Webpart in SharePoint 2010

There can be two types of RSS Feed links.
·         Internal
·         External

Internal RSS Feed Web part

Any RSS Feed link (xml) which is hosted inside a company intranet is categorized as a RSS Feed internal link. To make use of these feeds, we have three options.
·         Change default authentication type NTLM to Kerberos
·         Enable anonymous access on List/Library.
·         Custom RSS Viewer web part

If Kerberos authentication in configured (enabled) on your SharePoint server then you can use an out of the box RSSViewer Web Part to render an RSS feed coming from the internal RSS feed link.To enable Kerberos authentication, follow this link:

If the security configuration is NTLM and you try to configure the RSS view webpart with an internal RSS feed link, it will throw an error like this:

                “The RSS Web Part does not support authenticated feeds.”

In this case, use the custom RSS feed web part


If your web site’s security permits, then give anonymous access to the underlying list/library. To Enable Anonymous access, follw this below link:

External RSS Feed Web part

Any RSS feed link which is hosted on the internet is called an External RSS Feed.
Normally External RSS feed links don’t work as-is on Company Intranet sites, since they use proxy servers to connect to the internet.
In that case use, we have to modified the web.config. Please take a backup of web.config.
         <proxy usesystemdefault="false" proxyaddress="http://proxyhere" bypassonlocal="true" />

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